Audio rooms are one of the core features of ARC. These rooms are casual, conversational spaces to get to know the community, exchange ideas and discuss collaborations.

All members are highly encouraged to join scheduled rooms, start their own spontaneous rooms, or even host their own regular series of scheduled rooms. Here are some tips to get you started.

Audio Rooms 101

Room Etiquette

In addition to our formal Community Guidelines, here are some helpful reminders to ensure that audio rooms are inclusive and safe for all.

Hosting A Room

Moderation Tips

As a moderator, you are essentially the host of an audio room event. Ideally, you are part of the conversation while simultaneously playing a role in moving the discussion towards the specified agenda. You should never come off as an interrogator or interviewer engaging in a monotonous back-and-forth.

In order to hold space for a productive conversation, good moderators have to curate the group, actively manage the conversation and consider the audience experience.